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Institute for Culture and Ecology   Request for Bids Provision of external audit services for period 2024 to 2027 Requisition Ref No. FIN/AUDIT/01-2024
  1. About the Organization and Consultancy
The Institute for culture and Ecology (ICE) seeks quotation for provision of external audit services from independent qualified auditors for the period 2024 to 2027. The successful firm can serve as ICE’s external Auditor for three years. The primary objective of an audit is to obtain and evaluate the financial statements of ICE and express an opinion as to whether the financial statements reflect a true and fair view of the financial position of the organization. The audit will be performed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and International Standards of Auditing (“ISA”). The Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) is a national indigenous non-governmental organization founded in 2006 and registered under the NGO Coordination Act of 1990. ICE was founded out of a visible need to promote the inherent and natural role of culture in environmental and resource management in Kenya. ICE works with farmers, community groups and schools in Tharaka Nithi, Machakos, Meru, Murang’a, Embu and Kiambu counties. ICE head office (secretariat) is in Nairobi, Kenya.

B.      Duties and Responsibilities of the Auditor

i) Express a professional opinion on financial statements of the Institute for Culture and Ecology on whether the statements fairly present in all material aspects, the financial position at the end of each financial year, and were prepared in accordance with recognized accounting principles, standards and all relevant laws and regulations. ii) Confirm that the books of accounts provide the basis for preparation of the organization’s financial statements. iii) Review and give an opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the risk management system, internal controls, financial management practices and supporting documents maintained by ICE. iv) Review and give an opinion on adequacy, transparency and fairness of the procurement processes as employed by ICE. v) Review and give an opinion on adherence by ICE to national laws, its own internal controls and funding partner’s agreements. vi) Provide recommendation for improvements on any inadequate process or practice employed by ICE as will be noted during the audit exercise. vii) Provide necessary assurances to ICE’s external parties seeking to authenticate either the process or output of the audit undertaking

C.      Qualifications of the Audit Firm

i) Should be registered with the Institute of Certified Public Accountant (ICPAK), has a current practising license. ii) An Engagement Partner with over 5 years’ auditing experience, with sound knowledge of donor funded projects. iii) The firm should have relevant experience in accounting & auditing of donor funded organizations. A Quality Assurance Review by ICPAK is added advantage iv) The firm should demonstrate that it has the capacity, capability and experience required to undertake the audit within 14-20 days. v) The firm must have a physical address and valid business permit. vi) The firm should hold a valid Tax compliance certificate.  

D.      Bidding details

Interested entities should submit an expression of interest with the following.
  • Confirmation of the firm’s understanding of the Terms of Reference.
  • The firm’s capability and capacity to deliver on the Terms of Reference.
  • Organizational profile preferably demonstrating previous working experience with Not-for-Profit donor funded entities.
  • Proof of registration with ICPAK and Partners’ Practicing Certificates.
  • Financial proposal detailing proposed fees and/or expenses.
The proposal package should be submitted via email to procure@icekenya.org and cc to martin@icekenya.org by 28th November, 2024 at 5.00pm Bids/Proposal should be addressed to: The Director, Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) P.O Box 6270 - 01000, Thika, Kenya.   Any other ENQUIRIES related to this RFB should be channeled to martin@icekenya.org

Institute for Culture and Ecology   Request for Bids Provision of external audit services for period 2024 to 2027 Requisition Ref No. FIN/AUDIT/01-2024 About the Organization and Consultancy The Inst...

Terms of Reference (TORs) for Development of Management Plan for Ntugi Forest   
The Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) is a national indigenous Non-governmental Organization (NGO) that was started in 2006 and is registered in Kenya under the NGO Coordination Act. ICE was founded out of a visible need to promote the inherent and natural role of culture in environmental and resource management in Kenya. ICE vision is that of empowered communities harnessing indigenous knowledge for healthy people and ecosystems. Its mission is to promote indigenous knowledge for environmental conservation and to enhance the livelihoods of local communities. ICE has been working with KFS and Ntugi-Igaironi Community Forest Association in implementing a project for rehabilitation and protection of Ntugi Forest. One of the key activities of the project is development of a Participatory Forest Management Plan (PFMP) for Ntugi Forest. This project is calling for technical and financial proposals from qualified and experienced consultants to lead the process for making the participatory forest management plan. 2.0     BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON NTUGI FOREST Ntugi Forest is found in Tharaka Nithi County located at latitude 0°11’53” South and 37°55’27” East and elevated at 1,196 meters (3924 feet). The forest is among the many forested hills in Tharaka Nithi County. It is located seven (7) km from Marimanti Town along the Marimanti – Chiakariga road. It has two zones namely the indigenous forest zone (964.6 ha) and grassland zone (414.2 ha). The Forest Conservation and Management Act of 2016 requires that all forests prepare participatory forest management plans. Hence the need to develop a 5-year management plan for Ntugi forest station.   3.0     OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of the forest management plan are:
  • To preserve biodiversity while at the same time enhancing people’s livelihoods.
  • Ensuring sustainable utilization of the forest for present and future generations.
The other objectives of the exercise are:
  • To carry out a detailed socio-economic survey of the people around Ntugi Forest using the Sustainable Livelihoods Analysis approach.
  • Ensure that the communities around Ntugi forest and all other stakeholders adopt a common approach to the management of the forest and livelihood related issues in a participatory manner under a participatory forest management plan.
  • Assist the target local community around Ntugi Forest and other stakeholders to package their ideas on forest conservation and ecosystem benefits into a participatory forest management plan approach that may attract funding by enhance sustainable forest utilization.
4.0     SCOPE OF WORK In consultation with the adjacent community through the Ntugi – Igaironi Community Forest Association, KFS and other stakeholders, the consultant will organize stakeholders’ consultative forums for the purpose of gathering key information that will feed into the forest management plan. The consultant will specifically undertake the following tasks:
  1. Carry out a Socio-economic survey focusing on Livelihood and Resources Assessments
  • The consultant will carry out an assessment of the prevailing socio-economic status of the local community in relationship to forest utilization
  • The consultant will do a Characterization of sampled households in terms of their demography, education levels and other socio-economic characteristics of household members including access to production resources (land, labor and capital)
  • Do a Characterization of farming systems in terms of on and off-farm enterprises
  • determine the extent and nature of targeted forest and understand who is involved in its utilization and management
  • Identify and map existing infrastructure and other non-living features (e.g., water bodies, roads) and their use in relationship to the community.
  • Undertake analysis of seasonal use of resources by listing the resources, seasons when they are used and reasons for seasonality.
  • Undertake a livelihood analysis in order to identify all community groups including vulnerable groups within the area, their main sources of income and the linkages to use of forestry resources
  • Assess the level to which the community and other partners have been involved in the Ntugi forest ecosystem, focusing on how existing structures will impede or enhance the PFM success.
  1. Conduct a stakeholder analysis and identify groups, public and private agencies, or individuals dependent or impacted on by the forest and establish their roles, responsibilities, rights, and benefits/rewards including use of forest resources.
  2. Assess the extent to which gender has been or can be integrated in the ongoing activities in the forest including fair representation of men, women, youth, and special interest groups (including those physically challenged) in forest conservation and benefits sharing.
  3. Assess the capacity of the local community in terms of forest management and make recommendations on ways and means of enhancing their capacity
  4. Assess environmental threats and livelihood related issues in the area and establish their root causes and relations with the forest
  5. Identify existing and potential sources of conflicts and recommend conflict mitigation measures
  6. Eco-tourism
  • Identify eco-tourism potential in the forest and adjacent neighborhood in terms of
  • presence, proximity to other recreation sites and attractions. These sites should be clearly displayed in a GIS Map.
  • Analyze and provide information on viability of these sites in terms of business and
  • Community organization. It is expected that the consultant will use geo-spatial tools in generating a clear easy to understand map showing specific sites and their potential
  1. Biodiversity
  • Undertake a comprehensive search of available biodiversity information for the forest area and document their status.
  • Provide baseline information on the forest status in terms of flora, fauna and their utilization and value to the community
  • Provide information in terms of conservation importance - locally, regionally, nationally, and globally and temporal trends
  • Document opportunities and challenges for retaining and increasing the status of biodiversity
  • Identify threats to the forest, and local values, which may impact on the conservation of the forest biodiversity;
  • Identify factors affecting habitats and important flora and fauna, including pressures and management actions and responses
  • Recommend appropriate mechanisms to enhance biodiversity conservation
  1. Forest Programs
  • Develop forest management program that will ensure sustainable and sound forest management and addresses livelihood issues.
  • Incorporate project monitoring and evaluation framework, including monitoring indicators on both performance and impact (environmental and poverty) and define the role of community in project monitoring.
  • Identify existing forest governance structures and propose improvements based on the existing legislative and social framework.
  • List existing institutions, identify their roles and responsibilities and carry out a SWOT analysis of each institution to ensure there is a clear and viable linkage between the activities by other stakeholders and poverty reduction project.
5.0    MANAGEMENT PLAN VISION The consultant shall assist the stakeholders to develop a vision of the proposed plan in line with that of the strategic forest management plan of Tharaka Nithi County ecosystem.
The consultant is expected to teamwork closely with the Kenya Forest Service, Ntugi-Igaironi Community Forest Association, and other stakeholders in carrying out the exercise. The consultant is expected to use the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to collect the primary data on practically all aspects of livelihoods of forest adjacent community of Ntugi Forest and biodiversity.
  • The consultant is expected to develop a survey plan indicating the sampling procedures to be followed, the sample size and distribution, the statistical considerations taken into account, the survey timetable and the resources required.
  • Design suitable household and community survey instruments.
  • Review literature on the socio economic and biodiversity value and use of the forest areas.
  • Carry out the actual survey and compilation of field data.
  • Present the draft management plans to at least four local community and
  • other stakeholders’ meetings for input.
  • Submit the final forest management plan to ICE and KFS within NINETY days after signing the consultant agreement.
  • A participatory forest management plan agreeable to the community and Kenya Forest Service taking into consideration other relevant stakeholders within the larger Tharaka Nithi County ecosystem.
  • Give bound copies of the report and a soft copy to the proponent.
  • Submission of the agreed final report to ICE and KFS within sixty days after signing the consultancy contract.
8.0     DURATION OF THE ASSIGNMENT The assignment is expected to take NINETY days from the date of signing the consultancy contract. 9.0     PAYMENTS Payment for the consultancy will be within the following categories.
  • Professional fee - includes the fee for professional services or intellectual input into this process
  • Reimbursable expenses - this payment includes all other expenses related to the assignment and outside the professional fee, as agreed with ICE before incurring the expense and shall have acceptable accounting documents.
  • ICE will have a separate arrangement for transport and lunch reimbursements incurred by the stakeholders and community members during planned consultative forums.
10.0 REPORTING The consultant will report on all administrative issues of this consultancy to ICE. The Consultant will submit a draft report for review by the SIXTH WEEK after signing the contract. The consultant will receive and integrate comments from the community and stakeholders before finalizing the report for forwarding to KFS. Final reports should be presented as 5 hard bound copies, and a soft copy. 11.0   SPECIFICATION The qualified consultant must be conversant with Forest Act 2005 and its provision for participatory management plans (PFM). In addition, he/she should be conversant with steps involved in preparation of PFM as contained the manual on preparation of PFM plans of December 2007. To ensure adequate mapping, the consultant should be conversant with GIS tools such as Arcview and ArcGIS and in addition have good knowledge on flora and fauna. Evidence of having been involved in sustainable Livelihood analysis (SLA) approach is essential. A clear and circumstantial evidence of involvement in development of PFM forest plans previously is essential. These details should be provided to the client prior to the commencement of the work.   12.0   HOW TO APPLY Qualified candidates are requested to submit one document of up to 20 pages with both technical and financial proposals. Include at least two professional referees and links to previous latest work done.  On the subject line on your email please indicate “Development of Ntugi Forest FMP”. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications should be sent by email to procure@icekenya.org and cc. martin@icekenya.org, not later than 15th October 2024, at 5.00pm.

Job Features

Full timeFull Time
Part TimePart Time
Full time, Part time - ConsultanciesFull time, Part time - Consultancies
Full time - ConsultanciesFull time - Consultancies

Terms of Reference (TORs) for Development of Management Plan for Ntugi Forest    INTRODUCTION The Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) is a national indigenous Non-governmental Organization (NGO)...

TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR DOCUMENTARY OF COMMUNITY FOREST ASSOCIATION ( CFA) PRACTICES IN UPLANDS FOREST (VIDEOGRAPHY AND PHOTOGRAPY SERVICE PROVISION)   1.INTRODUCTION: The Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) is a national indigenous non-governmental organization that was started in 2006. Registered in Kenya under the NGO Coordination Act, ICE was founded out of a visible need to promote the inherent and natural role of culture in environmental and resource management in Kenya. ICE accompanies communities as they rediscover the value of local knowledge and naturally endowed resources/potentials in the process of livelihoods improvement and environmental conservation. The vision for this engagement is empowered communities harnessing indigenous and local knowledge for healthy people and ecosystems. 2.BACKGROUND Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) has been working with Uplands Community Forest Association for the past five years, supporting review of their Participatory Forest Management Plan (PFMP), restoration of degraded forest sites as well as income generating activities based on user rights. More specifically, ICE has been supporting the CFA to implement activities on:
  • Bee keeping
  • Mushroom growing
  • Growing of indigenous trees
  • Capacity building for establishment of botanical garden for medicinal trees
ICE has also worked with Water Resource User Associations (WRUAs) in the same ecosystem focusing mainly on capacity enhancement for coordinated management of water resources. A key concern when working with WRUAs and CFA in Uplands Forest Ecosystem was the lack of complementarity in approaches to project implementation despite working in the same ecosystem. Certain outcomes have however been realized and diverse lessons learnt during the implementation, and these are the targets of this documentation process Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) is looking for a consultant/company to carry out a documentation exercise of CFA practices in Uplands Forest.     3.OBJECTIVES
  • To prepare a video documentary of the different community projects being implemented by Uplands Community Forest Association
  • To document community aspirations (CFA and WRUAs) for sustainable conservation of Uplands Forest
   4.SCOPE OF WORK The consultant is expected to confine the work to documentation of community projects based on user rights as follows; 1) Document the perceptions of CFA members about ecosystem benefits from Uplands Forest; 2) Document perceptions of members of WRUAs about their benefits from water resources in Uplands Forest; 3) Document views of other stakeholders on holistic conservation of ecosystems.   4.1 Specific tasks for the consultant The consultant will work with ICE project team to take footage and photos, develop the documentary and develop a photo story in line with the agreed schedule, the consultant will be required to:
  • Attend an inception meeting on an agreed date before starting the project
  • Develop a script with close consultations with ICE
  • Be available for the video and photo shooting process in the field
  • Take a range of photos during the field work
  • Develop a 10-minute video showcasing the CFA projects and comments from diverse stakeholders
  • Provide ICE with the raw footage of all videos and photos taken during the assignment after the final versions of documentary and photo-story
  • Edit and share 30 clear photos from the assignment as will be guided by ICE team.
       5.DURATION OF THE ASSIGNMENT  The assignment is expected to take 21 days from the date of signing the contract      6. COPYRIGHT All information pertaining to this work (documentary, audio, digital, project documents, etc.) belonging to the ICE, which the Consultancy firm may come into contact within the performance of his/her, duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of the ICE who shall have exclusive rights over their use.   7.REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE
  • Diploma in Media Studies, or related field.
  • At least three (3) years of professional experience in videography/ video editing.
  • Demonstrated experience of the conception, production and editing of environmental video documentaries or related projects
  • Ability to operate under strict timelines and apply high production and technical standards for the purpose of maintaining high level of professionalism
  • Proven track record of successful production on related subjects.
             8. HOW TO APPLY Qualified candidates are requested to submit one document of up to 20 pages with both technical and financial proposals, covering their understanding of the assignment and methodology, attach CV (or CVs for those working as a team) indicating work experience relevant to the consultancy. Include at least 2 reference letters from previous clients. Attach company profile, samples of similar assignments undertaken either as links or an attachment, including the camera model (s) to be used.  On the subject line on your email please indicate “Video documentary and photography Services”. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications should be sent by email to procure@icekenya.org  and cc. martin@icekenya.org, not later than  4th October 2024, at 5.00pm.  

Job Features

Full timeFull Time
Part TimePart Time
Full time, Part time - ConsultanciesFull time, Part time - Consultancies
Full time - ConsultanciesFull time - Consultancies




As the Institute for Culture and Ecology(ICE) endeavours to grow, there is need to review the strategic direction which is paramount in ensuring that the organization remains relevant in its spheres of influence. Accordingly, as part of its institutional capacity strengthening,  ICE would like to conduct a midterm review of the current Strategic Plan (2022-2026), and intends to undertake this exercise through the guidance of a consultant hence the release of this TOR for interested and qualified candidates to apply. The Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) is a national non-governmental organization registered in Kenya in 2006 under the NGO coordination Act. ICE was founded out of a visible need to promote the inherent and natural role of culture in environmental and resource management in Kenya. ICE accompanies communities as they rediscover the value of local knowledge and naturally endowed resources/potentials in the processes of livelihoods improvement and environmental conservation. This enables communities to drive their own development, hence detaching themselves from the poverty cycle. ICE partners with like-minded organizations, institutions and individuals nationally, regionally and globally in order to gather diverse knowledge systems and achieve effective implementation of innovative culture-based strategies. ICE targets small holder farmers (both men and women), people with special needs  as well as youth in school and out of school. ICE implements various projects within its thematic areas of Natural Resource Management; Food and Seed Sovereignty & Economic Empowerment; Campaign and Advocacy; Networking and partnerships; Research and Knowledge Management; and Institutional Development. These projects are spread in the counties of in Kiambu, Machakos, Tharaka-Nithi, Meru, Murang’a, Embu and Kilifi counties and target to reach over 10,000 households (61% women; 39% men). Vision of ICE: Empowered communities living in healthy ecosystems. Mission of ICE: To enhance resilience of ecological systems and community livelihoods using diverse knowledge systems
2.1 Midterm Evaluation of the current Strategic Plan (2022-2026) The 2022-2026 Strategic Plan provides ICE with a renewed strategic focus for the 5-year period and particularly guides ICE work based on the agreed statements on future direction as well as the strategic objectives, against which the organizational  performance will be measured. Further the SP helps ICE to redefine its strategic direction to address the ever-increasing environmental, natural resource management and community livelihood challenges as well as to align its work to the national and global development goals. The SP also aims to guide in institutional strengthening for effective performance measurement and improvement. 2.2  Strategic Plan’s Objectives The strategic objectives are based on the six ICE thematic areas stated above and are: -
  1. To enhance environmental regeneration and sustainable use of 5 critical ecosystems in the target areas by December 2026.
  2. To enhance food, seed sovereignty and economic empowerment among 6000 households in target project areas by December 2026.
  3. To strengthen campaign and advocacy capacities among target communities and to influence decisions, policies and programs on Natural Resource Management (NRM), Food Sovereignty (FS) and relevant emerging issues in target project areas by December 2026
  4. To strengthen collaborations and establish 10 strong partnerships between ICE and its stakeholders by December 2026
  5. To enhance evidence-based programming, learning and adoption of new innovations, obtaining evidence needed for ICE programmes in target project areas by December 2026
  6. To enhance organizational capacity for effective and efficient implementation of its mandate by December 2026

2.3  Objective of the Mid-Term Review

The Mid-Term Review (MTR) will assess the progress of implementation of ICE Strategic Plan  (2022-2026) so far as per the objectives listed above. It will also highlight issues and challenges affecting effective and efficient implementation of the Strategic Plan and recommend remedial measures .

2.4  Scope of the Evaluation

To achieve this, the consultant will review and guide ICE in clearly redefining and evaluating: -
  1. Strategic areas and objectives; outcomes; including the six thematic areas for the remaining part of the current strategic period.
  2. Situational context, through relevant analysis.
  • Sustainability plan; including proposals for effective financial and human resource management strategies.
  1. Stakeholder mapping and identify relevant strategies to engage them to advance the stated objectives
  2. Risk analysis and management approaches,
  3. Functional organizational & governance/leadership structure,
  • Monitoring and reporting framework to enable effective tracking of progress for the remaining strategic plan period.
The assignment will involve close engagement with ICE management and programmes team which will entail a participatory process, including, but not limited to:
  • A review of internal documents
  • Consultations with ICE Advisory Board representative (s) and staff to review the achievements and set priorities for the remaining implementation period.


i.     Inception report detailing the methodology/ approaches and timelines for  this consultancy assignment ii.     A strategic review workshop with ICE staff and Advisory Board representative(s) iii.     A revised implementation strategy for the remaining period iv.     Comprehensive final consultancy report : The report will also capture:
  • An analysis of achievements, strengths, weaknesses and challenges of the organizational performance during the first half of 2022-2026 Strategic Plan period.
  • An analysis of the changes realised with emphasis on synthesised and verified quantitative and qualitative evidence.
  • Recommendations on how ICE can build on its strengths and achievements to overcome its weaknesses and challenges.
  • The needs assessment higlighting the current status and gaps in ICE’s organisational operating environment and suggestions for areas of adjustment.


To undertake this evaluation, ICE is looking for a qualified, competent and experienced professional consultant. Key considerations include:
  • At least a Master’s degree or equivalent in Agriculture, Environmental Studies, Development Studies, Project management, M&E, Economics or related social sciences. Those with a higher degree in Strategic Management have added advantage.
  • Experience in working with NGO, CSOs and networks.
  • Demonstrated ability to carry out evaluations of strategic plans, assess complex situations, analyze critical issues clearly and draw conclusions and recommendations.
  • Proven in-depth understanding and consulting experience in conducting similar evaluations
  • Substantive knowledge of participatory M&E processes and experience with multi stakeholder/community development interventions.
  • Evidence of having successfully done similar / related work in recent past. Such details should be included in the profile that will be submitted.
  • Good report writing, communication skills in English and facilitation skills.


5.1 Logistical Support

In addition to providing all the necessary documentation and materials, ICE will cater for the the consultant’s upkeep during the workshop. The consultant is therefore expected to cost other expenses related to the evaluation in the financial proposal.

5.2 Confidentiality of information

All documents and data collected in the process of the consultancy will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate the consultancy assignment. Such materials shall not be shared or disclosed unless with express permission from ICE.

5.3 Payment

Payment shall  be made according to the following deliverables:
  • Thirty per cent (30%) after submission and acceptance of the Inception report;
  • Thirty per cent (30%) after submission and acceptance of the draft report;
  • Forty per cent (40%) after submission and acceptance of the final report.
The financial proposal should include all relevant taxes/levies applicable in Kenya in relation to consultancies such as  VAT/Withholding tax which ICE and consultant need to remit as per Government of Kenya statutory laws. ICE will deduct and remit the withholding tax while the Consultant will also have an obligation to pay statutory levies from their consultancy firms in relation to this assignment.


The mid-term review will be conducted over a total of eight and a half days. The consultant will submit a detailed plan of work as part of the EOI. The tasks will be allocated time slots as follows:
Inception meeting 0.5 day
Review of documents 2 days
Workshop with staff and board representative 3 days
Finalization of report 3 days
Total working days 8.5 days
  7.0 HOW TO APPLY: Interested candidates should submit the following:
  1. Technical proposal indicating their understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology for conducting the assignment and work plan.
  2. Financial proposal showing the total cost of conducting the evaluation, breakdown of consultancy costs (including costing of each member the team during the entire exercise, man-days for each team member), and other costs associated with this assignment.
  • At least one report of a similar assignment conducted elsewhere within the past three years specifying the work done, stating the costs of doing the exercises and the client or clients and the duration it took to do the same.
  1. Detailed curriculum vitae of the main consultant and the support consultants (if any) to be involved in the assignment, with relevant university certificates and relevant supporting documents and testimonials.
  2. Names and contacts of three referees (phone numbers and email)
  3. A one-page write-up showing why you think you are most suitable for this consultancy
If you are interested in the above consultancy and can demonstrate your ability to meet the qualifications required and submit the deliverables within stipulated timelines, then submit your Expression Of Interest (EOI) with the above-mentioned documents to procure@icekenya.org copied to info@icekenya.org with the subject heading: Consultancy for Midterm Evaluation of ICE Strategic Plan. ICE is an equal opportunity employer and hence nobody will be discriminated against on the basis of gender, social, ethnic or religious background. However only candidates who meet the desired qualifications and competencies will be shortlisted and  contacted. The closing date for applications is COB 22nd August 2024.

Job Features

Full timeFull Time
Part TimePart Time
Full time, Part time - ConsultanciesFull time, Part time - Consultancies
Full time - ConsultanciesFull time - Consultancies

TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) FOR  CONSULTANCY TO CARRY OUT  MIDTERM EVALUATION OF ICE STRATEGIC PLAN (2022-2026) 1.     INTRODUCTION As the Institute for Culture and Ecology(ICE) endeavours to grow,...

Part time - Consultancies
Posted 6 months ago
  EXTENSION CALL FOR POLICY BRIEFS & PETITIONS EXPERT: FOREST & BIODIVERSITY The Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) commissioned research to assess Kenya's Forest Policy Environment. The study aimed to gather and document information on several aspects of forest utilization, management, and governance to determine the policy gaps and overlaps and their impact on the successful protection of public forest ecosystems and suggest policy recommendations to address the identified gaps. In anticipation of the Forest Conservation and Management Act (FCMA) 2016 review, the Kenya Forest Working Group (KFWG) with support from ICE is calling for an expert(s) to pick up policy issues and petitions that will be used to lobby for changes in the upcoming Forest Conservation and Management Act (2016) review. The expert will work with KFWG members to facilitate and develop policy briefs and petitions touching on two policy issues that featured strongly in the report, namely:

1.   Specific forests especially protected as Biodiversity and Water Catchment areas 2.Overlapping Policy Mandates on Forest Landscapes

The expert(s) will be expected to support this process by consolidating the views of members around the above two issues and presenting them in a policy brief and petition format.  These will be used to lobby for changes in the FCMA 2016 review. TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE EXPERTS (S) 

Background on the Research

ICE, with support from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, commissioned a survey with the aim of gathering and documenting information on several aspects of forest utilization, management and governance, with the following objectives:
  • To determine the impacts the Shamba System had on biodiversity and water
  • To establish successes and challenges of the Plantation Establishment and Livelihoods Improvement Scheme (PELIS) and suggest policy recommendations to address these challenges.
  • To establish Community Forest Association (CFA) perceptions on the Participatory Forest Management Plan (PFMP) development and implementation process
  • To assess the policy gaps and overlaps and the impact they have on the successful protection of public forest ecosystems and suggest policy recommendations to address the gaps and overlaps.
  • To establish management challenges facing the three types of forests identified by the Constitution of Kenya (public, community, and private forests) and suggest policy recommendations to address the challenges.

Key Policy Issues

From the research conducted, two key policy issues were distilled as follows:
  1. Biodiversity monitoring and recording for indigenous forests.
The policy challenge is to preserve indigenous forest biodiversity while delivering water catchment services. How can we minimize plantation stands while increasing indigenous sections in water catchment areas to increase water supply? How can we reduce the plantations around Kenya’s main water towers?
  1. Overlapping mandates on forests (Water Act, Forest Management Act, Wildlife Act).
The policy issue here is how to get all forest stakeholders (KWS, KFS, water bodies, etc.) to work together to protect trees, wildlife, and water. This way, conservation efforts will be better coordinated and resources will be better utilized, all of which will lead to improved conservation outcomes.


The expert will be expected to deliver on the following components:
  • Review the report and distill key policy issues
  • Develop a policy brief and petitions per policy issue that will be used to lobby for changes within the FCMA 2016 Review
  • Present policy brief and petitions to KFWG forum members and stakeholders


The policy brief and petitions expert is expected to deliver on the following:
  • 2 policy briefs and petitions based on the research findings: The brief should be logically structured, and contain evidence-based findings, conclusions, lessons, and recommendations.
  • The policy briefs and petitions should respond in detail to the key focus areas described above.
  • The policy briefs and petitions should include a set of specific recommendations formulated to lobby for changes in the FCMA 2016 Review


The policy brief and petitions expert will be expected to work for three weeks to deliver the policy briefs and petitions.

Application Instruction

Please share your Expression of Interest and CV to facilitate this process by emailing KFGW@eawildlife.org  with a copy to info@icekenya.org   by Friday, July 19th, 2024.   

Job Features

Full timeFull Time
Part TimePart Time
Full time, Part time - ConsultanciesFull time, Part time - Consultancies
Full time - ConsultanciesFull time - Consultancies

  EXTENSION CALL FOR POLICY BRIEFS & PETITIONS EXPERT: FOREST & BIODIVERSITY The Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) commissioned research to assess Kenya’s Forest Policy Environmen...