Strategic Objective
To strengthen campaign and advocacy capacities among target communities and to influence decisions, policies and programs on Natural Resource Management (NRM), Food Sovereignty (FS) and relevant emerging issues in target project areas by December 2026.
ICE works with local communities to help them secure their rights through getting more involved in decision-making so as to influence decisions, policies, plans and emerging human right issues that directly affect them. This seeks to enhance governance in all sectors through inclusivity, and equity in management and utilization of natural resources which communities’ livelihoods depend. Networking with like-minded partners helps to persuade policy makers to be more accountable in decisions while developing programmes and policies so as to consider sustainability of natural resources, community livelihoods and climate change adaptation.
- At least 10,000 rural community members sensitized on human rights as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 including gender rights and electioneering process.
- Two (2) women caucus formed in Machakos and Kiambu counties and spearheading in mentoring young girls and women in leadership as well as mobilizing potential women leaders to seek for leadership positions.
- Three (3) community ecological maps developed and used for advocacy. As a result, Kathituni sacred forest in Tharaka which had been grabbed has been reclaimed by the community.
- Three sacred forests in Machakos and Tharaka Nithi counties have been protected by community cultural custodians.
- Through ICE advocacy work, local community institutions have been strengthened to lobby for mainstreaming of climate change adaptation initiatives in the county development plans in Machakos and Tharaka Nithi Counties. As a result, the Agriculture development fund bill of Machakos County was influenced to prioritize on initiatives that help farmers adapt to effects of climate change and passed by the respective county assembly.