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Food Sovereignty

When Small Makes Sence

It is apparent that the success a farmer gets from a certain crop is dependent on many other things besides just rain. In Masinga, the farmers have ascertained that apart from rain, fertilisation and cultivation, the method of land preparation also matters a lot. Techniques such as deep digging and double digging go a long […]

Natural Resource Management

The Hill of Hope

Kivaa hill is not an ordinary hill to the people of Matuu as Mzee Munguti Kavivya, chairman of the sacred sites protection group says, “The hill represents the strides we have taken as a community to protect our fragile ecosystem.” “This hill”, he points out, “was the source of rich traditional remedies used by our […]

Institutional Development

Women on a Success Mission

Kiitho kya Mawithyululuko is an all-women umbrella body with 153 members engaged in bio-intensive organic farming, poultry keeping and basketry. But these women are not just any other group trying to irk a living out of small agricultural enterprises – a closer look reveals that they only grow indigenous food crops using natural methods of […]

Institutional Development

Water Comes Closer Home

Ntakira water group was started in 2012 in February as an initiative by a group of women to provide access to clean piped water to the community. With an initial membership of only seventeen, this seemed like a daunting task considering other bigger groups in the locality with over two hundred members had failed. “This […]